Yesterday I went to London with my Daughter.
Hannah studies photography and we thought it would be nice to have a day out together fully armed with our cameras.
We ended up in Highgate Cemetery, Yes it was a weird place to go, but I actually find graveyards quite interesting.
We wanted to go into the Catacombs but unfortunately they were closed.
I can't go anywhere without finding a cat.
It was very overgrown in some places.
I don't think I would like to be there in the dark.
Jeremy Beadles grave stood out, bless him.
This caught my eye.
Robert Valentine Mitchell.
Born on the 14th of Feb 1887
Died on the 13th of Feb 1947
We left the Cemetery and walked through the Park in to Highgate Village.
Where I sat down on one of these benches resting my poor feet,
While Hannah took some more photo's.
As I sat waiting I thought about how much I have in my life to be grateful for.
I thought about all the people I have around me that make me happy.
All the things that make me smile.
Gosh how deep...!
This sign made me smile.
After all that walking and thinking I needed a rest, oh ok a cuppa and a cake !
So we head off to find a teashop.
We ended up in here.
Of course we couldn't go to London without nipping in to the centre for a little shopping.
That's when I spotted this display outside Selfridges.
I loved it...!
Yes it made me smile.

If you want to join me by taking a picture and popping it on your blog.
Something or someone who has made you smile or happy, that would be fab.
I would love to see it.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Em xxx
You might be interested to know that there is a book giveaway on Madeliefs lovely blog.